credit Natural Star Nani is currently basking in the glory of his recent offering Jersey. He is also working with Vikram K Kumar’s upcoming directorial venture Gang Leader. On Friday, the makers have locked 30th August as its release date. It means Nani is challenging Akkineni Nagarjuna. It is known the news that Nagarjuna is also busy in the shoot of upcoming project Manmadhudu 2, in which Rakul Preet Singh is playing the lead role. Nagarjuna is also planning to release Manmadhudu 2, on the occasion of his birthday which falls on 29th August. As Gang Leader is arriving on 30th August and Manmadhudu 2 on 29th August, both the movies will compete with each other at the box office. Though Nagarjuna has not made an official announcement regarding the release of Manmadhudu 2 till date. Now we have to wait and see whether the makers of Manmadhudu 2 will change the release plan or not. Recently during the media interaction, Nani opened up about Gang Leader and sai...
The sensational film maker Ram Gopal Varma is popular for making controversial comments on Celebrities but he is also one of the talented film maker, who shares his reviews about trailer, teasers and first look poster of upcoming movies on his twitter. This time, Ram Gopal Varma showered praises for Akkineni Naga chaitanya and said to him, “I love u more than Samantha.” He also mentioned that he not gay.
After watching the trailer of Akkineni Naga Chaitanya and Samantha’s Majili, Ram Gopal Varma took to his Twitter and wrote, “Yes @chay_akkineni I admit am on 4th vodka when I tweeted earlier but will be worse when am not on vodka.. Bottom line I love u more than @Samanthaprabhu2 in this trailer and I am not GAY. This is my truth inspite of me loving her more than you (sic).” But soon he deleted his tweet.
However, Naga Chaitanya replied to Ram Gopal Varma. He wrote, “Well @RGVzoomin may we all be blown by whatever it may be .. cheers ! (sic)”
This is the fourth time, Samantha and Naga Chaitanya are working together for romantic entertainer Majili, which is directed by Shiva Nirvana of Ninnu Kori fame. Majili is expected to trace the story of a cricketer (Naga Chaitanya), who undergoes something tragic, which changes his life upside down.
Apart from Samantha and Naga Chaitanya, the intense love story also has Divyansha Kaushik playing Chaitanya’s pair. The movie is scheduled to hit the theaters on 5th April. On the other-side, recently Ram Gopal Varma has made official announcement about his next upcoming project- a biopic on Sasikala.
After watching the trailer of Akkineni Naga Chaitanya and Samantha’s Majili, Ram Gopal Varma took to his Twitter and wrote, “Yes @chay_akkineni I admit am on 4th vodka when I tweeted earlier but will be worse when am not on vodka.. Bottom line I love u more than @Samanthaprabhu2 in this trailer and I am not GAY. This is my truth inspite of me loving her more than you (sic).” But soon he deleted his tweet.
However, Naga Chaitanya replied to Ram Gopal Varma. He wrote, “Well @RGVzoomin may we all be blown by whatever it may be .. cheers ! (sic)”
This is the fourth time, Samantha and Naga Chaitanya are working together for romantic entertainer Majili, which is directed by Shiva Nirvana of Ninnu Kori fame. Majili is expected to trace the story of a cricketer (Naga Chaitanya), who undergoes something tragic, which changes his life upside down.
Apart from Samantha and Naga Chaitanya, the intense love story also has Divyansha Kaushik playing Chaitanya’s pair. The movie is scheduled to hit the theaters on 5th April. On the other-side, recently Ram Gopal Varma has made official announcement about his next upcoming project- a biopic on Sasikala.
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