credit Natural Star Nani is currently basking in the glory of his recent offering Jersey. He is also working with Vikram K Kumar’s upcoming directorial venture Gang Leader. On Friday, the makers have locked 30th August as its release date. It means Nani is challenging Akkineni Nagarjuna. It is known the news that Nagarjuna is also busy in the shoot of upcoming project Manmadhudu 2, in which Rakul Preet Singh is playing the lead role. Nagarjuna is also planning to release Manmadhudu 2, on the occasion of his birthday which falls on 29th August. As Gang Leader is arriving on 30th August and Manmadhudu 2 on 29th August, both the movies will compete with each other at the box office. Though Nagarjuna has not made an official announcement regarding the release of Manmadhudu 2 till date. Now we have to wait and see whether the makers of Manmadhudu 2 will change the release plan or not. Recently during the media interaction, Nani opened up about Gang Leader and sai...
Natural Star Nani is currently busy in the promotional activities of his upcoming movie Jersey, which is gearing up for grand release on this Friday i.e 19th April 2019. It is known the news that apart from acting in movies, Nani is also a producer and he bankrolls the concept-oriented movies on his wall poster cinemas. Last year Nani produced Awe and now according to the latest buzz, he is all set to bankroll an action thriller drama, which will be directed by a debutant, an NRI from Australia.
Nani’ production venture Awe is a psychological thriller film directed by Prasanth Varma. The movie starring Kajal Aggarwal as the protagonist with Nithya Menen, Regina Cassandra, Eesha Rebba, Srinivas Avasarala, Priyadarshi Pullikonda and Murali Sharma in the crucial roles.Awe deals with psychological issues like dissociative identity disorder, and social problems like child abuse, s*xual abuse and drug abuse. Nani’ Awewas the first Telugu film to deal with homos*xual relationships and s*x reassignment surgery.
After Awe, Nani was in the hunt for the right script to produce his next and finally, he has got his script. The sources say that Nani is extremely impressed with the script narrated by a debutant, an NRI from Australia and has given his green signal. The regular shoot is expected to commence from the month of August. Currently, Nani and his team are in the hunt of an actor to play the lead roles. It has also come out that the movie will not have any song.
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