credit Natural Star Nani is currently basking in the glory of his recent offering Jersey. He is also working with Vikram K Kumar’s upcoming directorial venture Gang Leader. On Friday, the makers have locked 30th August as its release date. It means Nani is challenging Akkineni Nagarjuna. It is known the news that Nagarjuna is also busy in the shoot of upcoming project Manmadhudu 2, in which Rakul Preet Singh is playing the lead role. Nagarjuna is also planning to release Manmadhudu 2, on the occasion of his birthday which falls on 29th August. As Gang Leader is arriving on 30th August and Manmadhudu 2 on 29th August, both the movies will compete with each other at the box office. Though Nagarjuna has not made an official announcement regarding the release of Manmadhudu 2 till date. Now we have to wait and see whether the makers of Manmadhudu 2 will change the release plan or not. Recently during the media interaction, Nani opened up about Gang Leader and sai...
Finally, the moment millions around the world have been waiting for is here – Avengers: Endgame. The last instalment of Avengers series, Avengers: Endgame, has hit the screens today in India. According to the latest update, the certain cities like Vijayawada and Tirupathi have aired special 5 am shows in the morning and all the shows have been sold out. The occupancy in other cities of both the Telugu states is also quite solid. Check out the Twitter review here:
Ethan Young @yaboy_younge: When you choose to see Endgame day 1 but then have to resist spoiling everything to everyone #AvengersEndgame
Gokul Saminathan @gokul_uae: Just watched #AvengersEndame will take you to the edge of the seat, but be prepare bcoz ending will make you cry, a heartbroken moment that my favourite heroes is no more, thank you so much @Marvel for extraordinary year’s #reallymissthem @MarvelStudios @Marvel_India
Rahul Puri: Happy #AvengersEndame day India! It’s going to be an awesome day!!!
Nikhanj@Nikhanj_30: #AvengersEndgame the best possible ending to the franchise. Can’t complain at all, so many goosebumps moments. 3hrs went like anything. On one side feeling bad that it’s over. #AvengersEndame #Avengers @MarvelStudios @Marvel_India @Marvel
Robin Zany@robincena05: It’s not just a movie, an epic culmination to a cinematic universe.
Only @MarvelStudios @Marvel @Marvel_India can pull-off this impossible thing impeccably, you times
Can’t accept the ending tho…But #WhateverItTakes
SRINIVAS @garnepallisrinu: #AvengersEndGame is truly an epic, what a rush of emotions, an incredible end & it is truly 1 in 14 million. Nothing can be better than thisOMG…!!! This film made entire theatre whistle, cry, smile, nostalgic, sad & shout their lungs out..WOW Take a bow @Russo_Brothers
Sherlyn@sherbear24601: just saw #AvengersEndgame and all I can say is it made me its bitch but don’t worry I won’t #DontSpoilTheEndgame
Doctor Strange @Mana_K_Tum_: End game is not just a movie. It’s an emotion. U will laugh, u will cry & u will root for your favourites. Grandest & epic movie ever. The end of an Epic Saga. Thank you, Marvel.
Thank you, Avengers. Felt like a part of my childhood ends in front of my eyes.#AvengersEndgame
Abhisaran@abhisarans: #AvengersEndGame me and my moods after the Avengers' endgame Did someone find a cure to get over this yet?
Delance@delance2: 10/10 My high expectations were surpassed. #AvengersEndgame
The view @Thyview: #AvengersEndGame is truly an epic, what a rush of emotions, an incredible end & it is truly 1 in 14 million. Nothing can be better than this OMG…!!! This film made entire theatre whistle, cry, smile, nostalgic, sad & shout their lungs out..WOW Take a bow @Russo_Brothers
Ethan Young @yaboy_younge: When you choose to see Endgame day 1 but then have to resist spoiling everything to everyone #AvengersEndgame
Gokul Saminathan @gokul_uae: Just watched #AvengersEndame will take you to the edge of the seat, but be prepare bcoz ending will make you cry, a heartbroken moment that my favourite heroes is no more, thank you so much @Marvel for extraordinary year’s #reallymissthem @MarvelStudios @Marvel_India
Rahul Puri: Happy #AvengersEndame day India! It’s going to be an awesome day!!!
Nikhanj@Nikhanj_30: #AvengersEndgame the best possible ending to the franchise. Can’t complain at all, so many goosebumps moments. 3hrs went like anything. On one side feeling bad that it’s over. #AvengersEndame #Avengers @MarvelStudios @Marvel_India @Marvel
Robin Zany@robincena05: It’s not just a movie, an epic culmination to a cinematic universe.
Only @MarvelStudios @Marvel @Marvel_India can pull-off this impossible thing impeccably, you times
Can’t accept the ending tho…But #WhateverItTakes
SRINIVAS @garnepallisrinu: #AvengersEndGame is truly an epic, what a rush of emotions, an incredible end & it is truly 1 in 14 million. Nothing can be better than thisOMG…!!! This film made entire theatre whistle, cry, smile, nostalgic, sad & shout their lungs out..WOW Take a bow @Russo_Brothers
Sherlyn@sherbear24601: just saw #AvengersEndgame and all I can say is it made me its bitch but don’t worry I won’t #DontSpoilTheEndgame
Doctor Strange @Mana_K_Tum_: End game is not just a movie. It’s an emotion. U will laugh, u will cry & u will root for your favourites. Grandest & epic movie ever. The end of an Epic Saga. Thank you, Marvel.
Thank you, Avengers. Felt like a part of my childhood ends in front of my eyes.#AvengersEndgame
Abhisaran@abhisarans: #AvengersEndGame me and my moods after the Avengers' endgame Did someone find a cure to get over this yet?
Delance@delance2: 10/10 My high expectations were surpassed. #AvengersEndgame
The view @Thyview: #AvengersEndGame is truly an epic, what a rush of emotions, an incredible end & it is truly 1 in 14 million. Nothing can be better than this OMG…!!! This film made entire theatre whistle, cry, smile, nostalgic, sad & shout their lungs out..WOW Take a bow @Russo_Brothers
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